Interventions With Heart: Tough Love May Save Your Child’s Life
In an ideal family, parents provide their children with unconditional and consistent care and love. The hope is that parents [...]
Do You Want to Become an Interventionist? Here are the Qualifications You Need.
It would be ideal if people struggling with addiction or mental illness could admit that there is an issue and [...]
How to Handle the Surprise of Discovering a Loved One’s Addiction
Finding out that a loved one is struggling with an addiction can be difficult. The person with the addiction may [...]
What to Do When Someone Lies about Drug Use
A lot of people struggle with drug abuse and addiction. While some people openly admit that they have a problem [...]
4 Reasons Some Interventions Fail
Each year, millions of people struggle with drug abuse and dependence. The 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health [...]
When to Call a Family Mediator
Families have conflicts all the time, which may be over trivial matters or more serious issues alike. Many people can [...]