Industry Insights from Foundations Recovery Network

Posted in: Professionals

March 2, 2020

Alex Ribbentrop

Breaking the Cycle: Intergenerational Trauma and Personality

Presented by Alex Ribbentrop, LCSW, CFTP

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This presentation focuses on providing an integrated understanding of the connections between:

  • Intergenerational trauma
  • The emergence of maladaptive coping mechanisms
  • Personality disordered traits and characteristics
  • Substance use disorders

Alex Ribbentrop, LCSW, CFTP draws from multidisciplinary perspectives and evidence-based methods, ranging from trauma-informed care, family systems theory, and current categorizations of personality disorders. The information presented is based on clinical practice and the application of family systems work, as well as trauma-informed care to treat the underlying factors precipitating active substance use disorders.

Ribbentrop discusses how to synthesize clinical experience and evidenced-based practice to promote quality clinical practice when addressing the ripple effect of trauma on systems and individuals. He also reinforces the importance of focused assessment and treatment of underlying factors in substance use disorder in order to maximize efficacy of clinical interventions and efforts.

Recovery Unscripted logo

Exploring Culture Across Generations

FEATURED GUEST: Jaime Vinck and Dr. Tena Moyer

Episode #20 | May 17, 2017Listen Now

Meet Lynndee Rainey, Outpatient Therapist at Foundations Nashville

Lynndee Rainey's profile picture
Lynndee Rainey’s clients often come from residential treatment and they are re-acclimating to life outside of 24/7 care. “I call it ‘bubble world.’ When you’re in residential, you are kind of limited to who you speak with and what’s going on in the world, and their journey so far has been a very self-motivated moment.”
She’s careful not to call it selfish or self-centered, but she acknowledges that it’s a necessary time for the patient to focus on themselves and their needs so that they can begin the healing process. But, she acknowledges, “When one comes back out into the real world, life has continued to move forward.
Find out how Lynndee Rainey and the team at Foundations Nashville help clients navigate life in recovery!

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