When a person decides to get professional help for an addiction, he has several options for what kind of treatment he can receive. Many addiction treatment centers offer their patients different kinds of therapy, such as individual, group, skills-focused, relapse prevention, and art therapy. These forms of therapy are often used in combination to provide the person with multiple venues of expression and healing.
Types of Art Therapy
In art therapy, a person uses his creativity and imagination to make art that expresses himself in a healthy and productive way. The goal of art therapy is for the person to expand his forms of communication in order to better convey his experiences.
- Painting
- Sculpting
- Dancing
- Drawing
- Acting
- Music
- Poetry
Since creating art is often a nonverbal process, and expands the ways a person can convey ideas and emotions, art therapy provides an opportunity to explore, understand, and resolve issues in a person’s life that he may not feel comfortable talking about in a regular conversation.
As Margarita Tartakovsky explains, art therapy uses various art forms to get patients “to talk about their images in therapy because this helps in discovering insight and meaning.”
- Gestalt methods: in this technique, the therapist helps the person work out his current feelings and experiences. The artwork might be used as an introduction into a deeper conversation, or as a tool for the person to explain his thoughts by having him describe the artwork from the artwork’s point of view.
- Active imagination: using the artwork as a starting point, the person lets his mind roam in spontaneous free associations, which open the door to introspection and discussion about his feelings.
- “Third-hand” approach: this technique incorporates help from the therapist. The person is still in control of the overall artistic vision, but the therapist assists with the production of the art.
Where to Find More Information about Art Therapy and Addiction Treatment
Art therapy can be a great way for a person to work through the experiences, emotions, and issues that have led to and worsened his addiction. It offers them a safe place to communicate ideas and feelings without using standard conversational methods, and it can, therefore, be a refreshing change for someone who is looking for something different than standard talk-focused therapy.
If you or a loved one has been considering art therapy as part of an addiction treatment plan, give us a call at 615-490-9376 to learn more about our treatment centers offering art therapy.
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